What’s Next for Shaping Recruitment Impressions?

August 26, 2015 G2 HR Muse — Generations and Geographies 1 comment
Shaping Recruitment Impression softfactors.com

“But what if recruiting was like dating?”

It used to be called reputation. Now it is known as employer branding. Whatever the nomenclature, recruitment is a ripe venue for shaping and managing a company’s brand. Impression counts in every step in the recruitment process – be it appealing or repellent. Each touch point sets the tone for existing employees and prospective candidates.

Traditional recruitment methods combined with social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterist, et al) are recruitment dark hole magnets. Candidates, both internal and external, complain about bad experiences citing ATS complexity, recruiter non-response, inflated company marketing, impersonal automation, and the like.

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