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Behavioral Preferences | blog.softfactors.com

Soft Skills make the difference

June 19, 2015 About softfactors Recruiting Suite , Recruiters World no comments

Checking soft skills early in the recruiting process – just a „nice to have“?

Every recruiter knows the problem: time and again, the candidate with the perfect CV is not the most suitable candidate for the job. “Suitable” means: a person whose typical behavior matches with the job requirements and whose personality fits with the team.

Poorly fitting soft skills lead to expensive wrong hires, not just in management positions but everywhere in the organization, especially when the relationship side of a team shows dysfunctional symptoms.

Our behavior as human beings results from deeply rooted personality dimensions and is thus difficult to change. Do you remember how hard it can be to change an old habit and the beliefs that are attached to it? This is another reason why we should put an eye on the preferred behavior patterns of candidates.

However, the reality is often very different: Still today, many organizations focus first and singlemindedly on the fit between CV and job requirements. Only at the end of the hiring – in interviews or assessments – they eventually take a closer look at the human side.

In many recruitings, after a round of disappointing interviews, the hiring manager returns back to the initial pool of names to find another applicant. What a waste of time and resources, and how frustrating from a human point of view!

Checking soft skills early in the recruiting dramatically enhances chances of identifying a well-fitting candidate and also reduces time to hire. And the good news is: a standardized soft-skill screening is easy to implement, thanks to latest technologies. Say goodbye to elefantastic IT-implementation projects!

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Video: The wrestling nurse

June 12, 2015 Recruiters World no comments
Bildschirmfoto 2015-06-11 um 10.43.24

Did you know that Pythagoras was multiple Olympic Champion in wrestling?

We don’t know if wrestling was Pythagoras’ source of inspiration to develop his most famous formula: a2 + b2 = c2. Of him we think when we see the following video clip. Look at it with us, it takes less than two minutes.

Would you hire the professional nurse that you saw in this video clip? Do you think he is a good employee? And if yes, why?

The person does the job – not the CV or diploma

Volunteerism, except professional commitment, sports – from these actions we can derive crucial personality traits and skills, transferable characteristics and competencies. We believe it is always the person as a whole who does the work and makes the difference.

Softfactors matter.

PS: Soft skills like “focus” and “resilience” are measurable. And that’s what we do.

Quickly and reliably detect your behavioral preferences

May 28, 2015 About softfactors Recruiting Suite no comments

Personality@Work: A straightforward tool for the complex world of work

When filing a job, putting together a team or designing an employee’s development plan, it can be beneficial to have a sketch of an individual’s temperament. The personality structure of a person and the associated behavioral preferences play a central role in a good-fit to a job and a company.

Softfactors proposes it is sufficient to use a comprehensive and economical assessment tool to understand a person’s basic preferences and personality. Offered in our Recruiting Suite, Personality@Work is an uncomplicated and easy-to-use tool.

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