Quickly and reliably detect your behavioral preferences

May 28, 2015 About softfactors Recruiting Suite no comments

Personality@Work: A straightforward tool for the complex world of work

When filing a job, putting together a team or designing an employee’s development plan, it can be beneficial to have a sketch of an individual’s temperament. The personality structure of a person and the associated behavioral preferences play a central role in a good-fit to a job and a company.

Softfactors proposes it is sufficient to use a comprehensive and economical assessment tool to understand a person’s basic preferences and personality. Offered in our Recruiting Suite, Personality@Work is an uncomplicated and easy-to-use tool.

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Soft Factors Takeoff: We are online!

May 13, 2015 About softfactors Recruiting Suite , News no comments
Successful businessman

Since last Friday, May 8, 2015 the softfactors recruiting suite is live in action. Two of our pilot customers recruit on renowned job portals real candidates, benefitting of the soft factors platform.

Our soft skills-based recruiting software has successfully conquered its maiden flight. It allows a new candidate experience, wherein candidates have their personality at the center of the application process – not the CV. This gives companies a real advantage when it comes to Employer Branding.

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