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ATS harm Candidate Experience! | blog.softfactors.com

ATS harm Candidate Experience!

April 21, 2015 no comments Recruiters World
design-user experience

In recent years, many companies invested heavily in so-called ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems). Especially around the company SuccessFactors / SAP a real hype emerged in different channels. We wanted to know the truth: About 41% of the examined career sites in Switzerland do NOT (yet) use an ATS.

ats englishA surprising number of companies in Switzerland use Haufe / Umantis (14%), even more than Taleo(14%) or SuccessFactors (3%). SAP is listed in the study under “other or own brand”. Refline, a Swiss product from Muri AG (recently acquired by Abraxas computers) is with 4% ahead of SuccessFactors and Brass Ring. The solution stands out above all by the professional tender of vacancies and integration with job boards. Basically, we see this market very strong in motion.

Often we observed a huge gap between the regular career site and the process in the ATS. A more seamless integration would be desirable according to the panelists.

In general it can be said that despite the use of ATS (or because of) the quality neither increases nor decreases. Companies that employ an application tracking system scored higher in “recommending the job” than those who do not have an ATS in place. Most ATS support this feature and makes it so readily available. The contact details and personification are naturally higher and of more quality with companies that do not use an ATS.

Generally the application complexity increases with the use of ATS in same cases even drastically.

Basically, the test persons were willing to take a substantial effort in the application process to apply as long as they felt that something was given back in return from the hiring company. An application process is always mutual: not only the candidate is applying, but he or she also wants to know what the job involves and why he or she is the perfect fit.

Of course you can argue that a job application without ATS and e-mail means less work. In the analysis we considered this factor into account separately, as these two types of recruitment are poorly comparable. Depending on the situation, the test persons considered the application with an ATS with uploading a CV and a cover letter only marginally as more effort than sending this same per email. Except some of the more enterprise ATS who use endless and unnecessary questions in drop down menus who made the candidate experience painful and user unfriendly.


About The Author:

Reto is working as the link between our HR professionals and psychologist, and the technical (IT) development team. He also consults our softfactors clients in the implementation of our world-class hiring and assessment platform.
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